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Fall in Love with the Library!

Writer's picture: CSLibraryCSLibrary

Happy February library lovers! This month, Chester Springs Library has great programs for all ages to enjoy! From February 6-February 14, stop in anytime and visit our Valentine’s Day card-making table to create a Valentine for someone special.

For the little ones and school-agers, we have several exciting events. On Friday, February 17 (DASD Day Off) come to a special guest story time with local dentist, Dr. Riina, at 10:30am. Later that afternoon, Naturalist Jared Brandt will be back at Chester Springs to put on an interactive program all about birds. Learn more and register for Bird Bonanza here. On Monday, February 20th (DASD Day Off) partake in the Paper Airplane competition! Learn about why paper airplanes fly and make a few yourself. Register here. On Thursday, February 23, Mr. Dan will be at the library for Makin’Music at 10:30am. Visit our calendar here to learn more about all of these programs and to explore all of our regular programs we offer.

We didn’t forget about the adults! There are plenty of educational and fun programs for adults this month too. On Tuesday, February 7 a staff member from PA state representative Kristine Howard’s office will be here from 10-1 to answer all PA state related questions and to assist seniors (65+) with getting or renewing their free Septa key cards. On Tuesday, February 14 learn about the new library catalog during a presentation in the library by director, Nancy Niggel. The new catalog has a lot of excitin

g and useful features to explore. Whether you struggle with technology or you’re a wiz with a keyboard, this program’s for you. Learn more and register here. Join us for our monthly Book Club on Friday, February 24 at 2pm where we’ll be discussing The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan. Contact the library to reserve your copy and inquire if you’re interested in virtually attending. Interested in trying winter sowing? Register here for our Winter Sowing Workshop on Tuesday, February 28 at 10:30.

Be sure to fill out the 2023 Chester County Library System Customer Survey here, and select Chester Springs as your home library. We'd love to hear your thoughts!




1709 Art School Road

Chester Springs PA 19425


Phone: 610-827-9212

Fax: 610-827-1148


Monday through Saturday

10AM to 6PM

CLOSED on Sunday

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