October will be a fun and busy month for the library! Here’s an overview of what’s to come:

Flower Power Pumpkins for school-age children is October 5. The program involves decorating a mini-pumpkin with fresh flowers using a hammer and nails! It’s fun, silly, and will make a great fall decoration! Register for the program here.
Story times are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:30AM. Please note - Wednesday story times are for children 24 months and younger. Also, there will be no story time on Monday, October 10. Makin'Music is Thursday, October 27 at 10:30AM. All the other Thursdays are Play Dough Mornings at 10:30AM, and every other Tuesday is a Preschool Building Morning at 10:30AM.
We also have several adult programs. The Crochet & Knit group meets every Thursday at 1:30pm. Also, Chinese Mahjong is back! Come to the library to play every other Tuesday (Oct. 4 & 18) at 10:15am. Beginners and experienced players are both welcome. Finally, there’s a new Shakespeare series on Richard II and Richard III taking place every Saturday of this month from 2-4pm. Learn more and register here.
Adults are invited to sign-up for a Septa Key Senior Card or get help with a PA State matter from Kristine Howard’s Satellite Office on Tuesday, October 4 from 10AM-1PM.
Check out our online calendar here to see all the other things the library has to offer!