We're wasting no time this April to offer great programming! On Saturday, April 1, the library is partnering with the West Pikeland Township’s Parks and Recreation Committee for a Community Egg Hunt. The event will last from 10:30-11:30 and the egg hunt will begin at 11am sharp! Children of all ages are welcome to hunt for candy-filled eggs, get their picture taken with the Easter bunny, explore rescue vehicles, and plant flower seeds from the library’s Seed Connection. We hope to see you there!

The library is redecorating for Spring! Similar to our Winter Houses program on MLK Jr. Day, the library will have patrons create watercolor flowers to decorate the tops of our shelves! This drop-in event will take place in the afternoons during the week of April 3-7. During this week, the library will also be offering a few programs for children off from school during Easter break. On Thursday, April 6 from 1:30-2:30, participants can decorate mini bunny cakes with icing, candy, and sprinkles! Register here. Then, on Friday, April 7 at 1:30pm, naturalist Jared Brandt will be visiting to teach us about owls! We’ll even be dissecting real owl pellets! Register here.
Next, Chester Springs Library will be joining the Mill at Anselma for their first Demonstration Day of the year on Saturday, April 8 from 10-4. Ms. Susie will be there at the library information table from 10-2 and hosting a story time at noon followed by a quick craft.

Naturalist Jared Brandt is back on Tuesday, April 18 at 10:30am for an Adult Birding Program where participants will be learning how to find and identify different birds in the local area. Register here. Then, on Friday, April 21, the Uwchlan Garden Club is putting on a Salad Bowl Garden Program for school-agers. Participants will be selecting the plants they’d like to grow, planting them in personal bowls, and taking their mini-gardens home. Register here.
Finally, National Library Week is the week of April 24! Stop by the library during this week to plant a flower from the Community Seed Connection and pick up a grab & go simple craft while they last. On Thursday, April 27 at 10:30am join us for Makin’Music with Mr. Dan! No registraton required.
Check out our online calendar here to explore all the events Chester Springs Library has to offer.