The summer is almost over (if you can believe it), but we still have loads of fun planned for August! Be sure to look through our calendar here, so you don’t miss out on anything we have in store. Here are some important dates to remember:
· August 2, 10:30am: Summer in the Park Series: Comedy Magic Show
· August 7, 10:30am-12pm: Preschool Nursery Rhyme Faire
· August 9, 10:30am: Summer in the Park Series: Music Play Patrol
· August 11, 1:30pm: Annual Bubble Festival
· August 12: Last day to track your Summer Reading
· August 15: Summer Reading Coupons must be turned in by 6pm today
· August 16, 1-3pm: Ice Cream Social: Enjoy an ice cream sundae and find out if you won a prize
· August 22, 10:30am: Makin’Music with Mr. Dan

We’ll be taking a break from story time from Monday, August 14 to Labor Day, but we’ll continue to have Play Dough Morning every Thursday at 10:30am!
Did you know you can see all of our Summer Reading prizes on our website? Use the Summer Reading tab right here on our website and browse prizes by age group. Thank you so much to everyone who donated prizes for our Summer Reading Program. You’ve helped to make this a great summer!
